Archive for October, 2004

round 2!

Friday, October 29th, 2004

So, consulting… I applied to two companies and got an interview with each. That was good. I had my first interview today and less than hour after it was over I got called back and invited to the second round of interviews. Typically there’s only 2 rounds, so that brings me very close to having […]

running through the rye

Tuesday, October 12th, 2004

i think people are starting to believe me when i tell them i’m not as stable as i seem. that’s ok. man this weekend sucked. and i still really don’t want to move. but consulting is still looking really good. went to a case interview workshop and smoked it. that shit is easy if you’re […]


Thursday, October 7th, 2004

The VPs were so much more interesting than the presidents! Dude, they were, like, debating. They responded to each other’s remarks, they made personal attacks, and they quoted facts! And they totally made fun of / ignored the host. That was hilarious, neither of them have any clue about AIDS among black women in America […]

days off

Thursday, October 7th, 2004

sleep til 10. woo! 10 eat breakfast, check email 11 buy mathematica online 11:30 miss appointment to pick up bike that was in the shop with friend who’s bike is also there. whoops 12 grade cs81 homework, write solutions, talk to profboy 12 don’t get invited to lunch with career office guy and 1 cancel […]