Movin’ Out & Up

I gotta say the dopest thing about being out of college (or close) isn’t that the world is your oyster, it’s that the world is your friends’ oyster too.

So everyone’s got a story about their college roommate, right… Fortunately I lucked out; I didn’t get those guys that pee in the shower stall and are always playing obnoxious loud music and drinking/smoking/playing video games and calling you names while you’re trying to study. Oh wait, yeah I did, they’re my best friends — the people that, after you throw up on their bathroom floor and pass out in their bed, go to sleep on the couch rather than disturb your slumber.

Anyway, my more recent roommate just surfaced on the internets. Check him out (local link) at his first ever stand-up performance. You better believe the VietJew will be seen on Premium Blend in another year. Yeah Mung.

Then there’s my childhood friend / roommate from one summer back home, who’s taking on New York City, which is just crazy if you ask me, but sounds not-at-all-boring.

The last link/shout-out I wanna make is to a boy who’s never been my roommate, but if our plans come together I might share space with him doing some world traveling… well, we’ll see. Anyway Berky’s been making his mark at F5 records, about to release an album for DJ Crucial. They’re all set to be a big deal in underground hip hop — as he says, “How can anyone go wrong with [MF Doom]( ) and Slug on their record?”

2 Responses to “Movin’ Out & Up”

  1. Ben Says:

    Just so’s you know, Tripod is disallowing direct linking to that sound file, and the directory above doesn’t allow listing or have an index, so we’re out of luck.

  2. Tom Says:

    Thanks, I didn’t realize that. You can copy the link and then paste it into your URL bar (try a new window if same window doesn’t work). I added another link to a copy of the file on my server for mo easier access. It is really funny, everyone should listen.