merry christmas
so my last two weeks of school were strangely easy. i ended up going on vacation-mode early and didn’t do as well on my finals (or i think i didn’t) as i woulda liked. oh well. in general i feel like i didn’t accomplish much this semester. i was gonna sign up for a relatively easy schedule for the spring on the theory that i should get out more, but now i’m thinking i’m not gonna accomplish anything if i don’t challenge myself. like, i could either do lots of work and not get out much or i could not do much work and not get out much. i think i’m gonna sign up for only the harder of those soph-level math classes (probability), an upper-level class (abstract algebra), music theory, beginning swimming (i suck at that shit, along with music theory, but it’d be tight if i were good at both), and maybe algorithms (CS). i also wanna take an intro dance class because, as quasi-homosexual as it may be, dancing is really tight and if i don’t learn sometime i may never learn… that would suck. i kinda knew how to swing dance back in the day…
on that note, doesn’t it suck how once you’re like 20+ you’re no longer the best you’ve ever been at everything? like, when i was 16, there was nothing that i used to be better at. except trumpet, i guess, which i quit when i was 12, but i didn’t really care about that. now there’s like all kinds of shist that i used to be good at that i now suck at. that’s so weak. fucking specialization. and i don’t even feel like i’m that much better at the things i’ve specialized in. damn, why was i so tight when i was 16, and why aren’t i that tight now?
unrelated: when i’m 80, i’m totally gonna be one of those old people who thinks they’re good at driving even though they crash into trees every couple weeks. my kids better not take my car keys. those pricks.
oh yeah, merry christmas. if you’re ever in the same area as me gimme a call:
- 12/20 to NC
- 12/23 to STL
- 1/3 to LA, driving to Mammoth Mtn
- 1/7 back to LA
- 1/11 to Portland, driving to Mt Bachelor
- 1/17 back to LA
December 21st, 2004 at 8:28 AM
hey, i feel the same way. next semester i really need to make priorites and figure out what i want to get good at. also take dance with me! as a quasi coordinated human it could be interesting.
December 22nd, 2004 at 10:41 PM
yeah, i think me dancing will be really interesting… not sure if/how that one will work out. what class are you taking?
December 23rd, 2004 at 2:49 PM
i’m taking one up at CMC on salsa, but I would be open to ballroom if thats what you want. I really wanted to take ballet, but i had conflict. oh, and i’m in palm springs and its 70 and sunny, bith