Archive for the 'News' Category

CA State Parks now include Kitchen Sink! (aka WiFi)

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

This is incredible (press release). A couple years old but I’d never seen it. Ed Abbey may be spinning in his grave, but State Parks have always been the piece of our land management system that compromises for convenience and accessibility. In some ways they’re the gateway drug that helps urbanites understand land management and […]

Technology Prices

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

I just wanted to share that buying a second 1GB stick of RAM for my computer was nearly 10x cheaper than when I bought the first stick a little under 3 years ago. $22 is so much less painful than $172. Technology is sweet.


Saturday, July 12th, 2008

Starting in Q2 2009, you will be able to register anydomainname.yournamehere. (See BBC article.) Rather than, I could have just Or tom.tomspot. Or www.tomspot. Or (maybe?) even just tomspot. Confusing? Heck yes. Apparently each new TLD will cost thousands of dollars. Of course, as soon as the change hits, any big company with […]

Paradise for Sale

Monday, July 7th, 2008

The Home of the Week in the LA Times this week is my aunt Mary Jane Elgin’s house. It’s as beautiful as it looks in the paper. Ever since I can remember, her house has been my paradise-home-away-from-home. I’ll miss it as much as everyone who has shared its (and my aunt and uncle’s) hospitality. […]

Epic Adventure Day 1: in which my car falls in love

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Yesterday was my first day of unemployment, and to celebrate I decided to drive to Colorado to visit some friends in Boulder and my cousin in Montrose. So far my vacation’s been going great. I’m still alive and it’s been an adventure. I can totally understand falling in love with wide open spaces, so I […]

The iPhone is Awesome

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

(big surprise) Review summary – Apple has created a little 3″ digital device that does almost everything, uses only your fingers as input, and has no instruction manual… and it works without an instruction manual. Everyone knows the feature list, so I’m going to play Mr. Negative and tell you what it doesn’t do. The […]

SiCKO pre-review

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

So Michael Moore’s new film comes out 6/29 and I’m bound to have an opinion on it, since I work amongst the evil insurance companies who only care about profit. Here’s my before-I-see-the-film review… “This administration flaunts the law, flaunts the constitution,” Moore said at the press conference, explaining the flap over the trip to […]

Welcome to Baseball Heaven

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

… is the official tagline of the Cardinals baseball establishment, I think. I CAN OFFICIALLY DIE. Now, in my lifetime, I have seen the most beautiful thing in the world! Imagine missing 1982’s most beautiful thing by being born 2 months too late! WAY TO GO, CARDS! WE LOVE YA!!!!! — From some kid on […]